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January 1996
SteelCase, Inc and Field Container engage CBC to assist with "Employee Benefits"
January 2000
MVP.com (Company of: Michael Jordan, John Elway & Wayne Gretsky) engage CBC to assist with "Employee Benefit Plans"

Attracting and keeping good people has always been vital to an organization's success.  But today, getting the best possible return on the sizable investment you make in your employees is one of the most critical challenges you face.

September 2000
McDonald's selects CBC to assist with "Franchise Hourly Benefits"
January 2001
AC Delco selects CBC to assist with "Total Services Support Program"
January 2002
Florstar Sales engages CBC to assist with "Employee Benefit Plans"
June 2004
Lions Club International engages CBC to consult on "Employee Benefit Plans"







The Comprehensive Benefit Consultants’ Approach:

Designing Your Communications

Effective employee communications are vital to keep morale high and to maximize the return on your investment.  Comprehensive Benefit Consultants believes communication must go beyond disclosure; they should also motivate your workforce and promote involvement.  This means speaking to employees in their own language, not complex legal terminology.

Keeping Your Program on Course

After your program is implemented, Comprehensive Benefit Consultants will help you monitor its ongoing effectiveness in meeting strategic goals, satisfying employee needs and controlling costs.

As changes occur in your needs, goals and or/ the environment, we work with you to modify your program accordingly, reflecting that problem-solving is at the heart of the Comprehensive Benefit Consultants’ approach.

Group Benefits Consulting

Analyze your program design, with an eye to costs, competitive realities, risk implications and employee needs.

Redesign your plan as needed, avoiding legal and tax pitfalls.

Implement and monitor cost containment strategies and evaluate the pros and cons of new benefit options.

Spotlight areas where your costs exceed national norms.

Review claims administration.

Analyze funding, with concern for both protection and cash flow, and identify alternative funding methods.

Solicit proposals from insurers and evaluate risk and expense charges.

Identify opportunities for cost-effective self-insurance.

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